Attorneys at Law Since 1964

Exclusive Japan-Tamil Nadu Government to Business (‘G2B’) On-Line Web Summit

Invest India, Govt. of Tamil Nadu and A.K. Mylsamy & Associates LLP Invite you to an 

Exclusive One-To-One Government To Business (G2B) Web Summit 

On 22nd, 23rd , 24th & 25th September, 2020

At the outset, we immensely value your interests and association with India. As a token of our gratitude to you, we are grateful to initiate a one-to-one, Government to Business (G2B) joint web-meeting exclusively for you with,

(a) Japan Plus, Invest India, Government of India 

(b) Government of Tamil Nadu

(c) A.K. Mylsamy & Associates LLP

The primary objective of this web meeting is to ensure a smooth entry, expansion or continued operations of your India manufacturing plans. You may also use this opportunity to raise any issues you may be facing in India or submit policy suggestions for strengthening ease of doing business in India. This web meeting has been organised by us for your benefit.

Objective and Agenda for the Meeting

1. Introduction: Discussion on your company’s manufacturing plans and current India operations (if any)

2. Company’s India Plans: Discuss about your company’s India expansion / India entry plans to assess your business requirements 

3. Learn about India: Providing an opportunity for you to learn about Tamil Nadu’s and India’s latest policies and initiatives at sectoral and state level. 

4. Issue Resolution:

  • To provide an opportunity to inform us on the challenges, bottle necks or issues you may currently be facing in India including regulatory, legal or practical difficulties. 
  • Opportunity to make a representation on policy recommendations on EODB and other measures to the Government of India, Government of Tamil Nadu and the Line ministries 
  • Finalise on a course of action to be followed to expedite issue resolution.

Invest India and Government of Tamil Nadu will jointly endeavour to address the above in association with the concerned Government Ministry / Department. AKM’s senior team will be happy to guide you on any legal and regulatory issues that your company may be facing requiring resolution.

Format of  the Japan-TN Business Summit 

Format: 1×1 exclusive, closed-door meeting with relevant representation from Government of Tamil Nadu, Line Ministry, Invest India representation and AKM Associates as required.

Duration: 60 minutes per meeting 

Medium: Online Video Conference (WebEx or MS Team). Link will be shared by Invest India 

Meeting slots availability: 22, 23, 24 & 25 September 2020

RSVP your participation by 15th September 2020 after which we will send you the document in which your discussion points / issues are to be filled in and sent to us by 18th September 2020.

RSVP’s and all other communications are to be sent to the following e-mail I.D’s: with a cc to

This summit is designed with your interests in mind and we highly recommend that you make use of this exclusive opportunity for your benefit. We are blessed to have you in India. We look forward to successfully welcoming you to India and/or resolving your current issues and supporting you going forward.  

Please feel free to reach out to us in case of any queries. We look forward to your confirmation for this event.

Note: All services provided by Invest India (Government of India) and Guidance Tamil Nadu are pro-bono / Free of Charge. All guidance provided to you at the summit by AKM & Associates will also be pro-bono. 

Sincere regards,

Invest India  Government of Tamil Nadu   | AKM Associates LLP 

Contact: (or) ; +91 99629 11111

About Japan Plus, Invest India:



Invest India is the National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency of the Government of India, mandated to facilitate investments into India. It operates under the aegis of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, and serves as the preferred point of reference for investors considering a location, industry, or partner in India. At Invest India there is a dedicated  ‘Japan Plus desk’ with representatives from The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan and domain experts from Invest India whose goal is to serve Japanese investors as a one stop shop for their India investment journey. For more information please visit:

About Guidance, Tamil Nadu:

Guidance Tamil Nadu is Tamil Nadu’s nodal agency for investment promotion and single window facilitation under the Industries Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu 
For more information please visit:

About A.K. Mylsamy & Associates LLP:

AKM is a full-service Corporate Law Firm in its 56th year of legal practice. AKM specialises in Corporate, Commercial and Civil Law. AKM has a unique combination of former senior Judges and experienced lawyers. AKM was instrumental in successfully completing an exhaustive survey on ‘Expectations of Indian Industry from Japanese Companies’. AKM has a longstanding association with Japanese Companies and AKM has taken a series of initiatives to attract investments from Japan into India as well as to support Japanese Companies who have already invested in India. For more information about AKM, please visit:



61, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018

2283, 14th A Main Road, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru 560008
